The crowd sits restless in their metal sits trying to hear above the roaring of the stadium. The announcer's voice soars above the excitement. And now please welcome, THE BOISE STATE BRONCOS!! The emotion I feel when I see those players running out through the smoke, is almost indescribable. Their passion is unbelievable, all their hard work about to get tested with on the spot decisions. I'm not a sport player at all, but watching this team play football is very special to me.
Tonight my team plays their season opener against Idaho State, GO BRONCOS!! About three weeks ago, my family moved into our new house. After living for a year in our apartment it's nice to be able to move around a little bit more. We have so many boxes though, it's insane. I've lived without a lot of this stuff for two years (storage) so I've decided to get rid of tons, but definitely not any of my books. It's been a very exciting adventure! :)
Acting Update!! So, I auditioned for my school's play, The Secret Garden and got the part of Nurse Grey. I'm really happy that I got in because the audition and cut process was pretty scary at times. Nurse Grey will be fun to play because she has some attitude and a mind of her own! Also, I just got informed that I get to perform a couple of songs from Schoolhouse Rock with some of my cast members for a program that our city is having. The part I'm pretty pumped about is that we get to do it at this amazing Amphitheater....
At the end of last year, my Bible teacher had us write a fairy tale with a proverb moral. We had already finished his exam and we needed something to do with the extra time. I was very excited since writing is one way for me to escape from everything for a bit. Anyways, I wrote it in class and turned it into him. To my sadness though, school ended and I still had not gotten it back. Thankfully though, because of his amazing organizational skills he had still saved it over summer. So, I have my story and I can share it with you now.
Side note: I have many different moods when I write, as I'm sure you all do. The mood I was in that day was (as you will soon be able to tell) dramatic and morbid. ;)
“A man burdened with bloodshed will flee into a pit, let no one help him.” Proverbs 28:17
The murderer plunged through the darkness of the castle cellar, not sure where he was going but knowing he needed to find the door soon. Blood dripped from his jacket and from his hand which held a small knife. This one small silvery object had taken the life of a young girl, a princess. Her smiling face never to be seen again. The owner of the knife came to a quick stop as he found the door handle and wrenched it open. There were two staircases ahead of them and not having enough time to ponder, randomly chose the left, leaping up the stairs two at a time. He heard some commotion below and hastened to find a way out into the open, the scene that just happened replaying through his mind.
“Stay away from me, GO AWAY!” she yelled
He came closer, “you know who I am”
She trembled, “I won’t tell anyone, I promise!!”
He raised his knife to strike her…
THUD. A sound on the nearby wall shook him back to the present time as whizzing arrows shot past him. Finally, he found a door that led outside; he grabbed the handle and twisted, exposing himself to the sunlight. Before him he saw people in great distress running around, cows mooing, and children screaming. He secretly tried to mingle with the crazy crowd, but his bloody clothes didn’t go unnoticed. A little girl inquired, “Sir, why do you have blood on your shirt? Mom! Come look at this man, he’s all bloody!” That did it. The crowd started shouting, knowing the man they were looking for was in their midst. He started running but that just made it even more obvious. Ahead, the killer saw a hole in the ground and taking a chance, threw himself into it.
His screams could be heard a mile away.This strange man had jumped into a deep pit of poisonous snakes, the pit used only for witches and sorcerers. The crowd became silent as they stood watching the happenings in the hole. After a while though, they started becoming restless and nervous.
“Should someone help him?” A lady cried. Another woman chimed in, “he should go before the king!” The crowds silenced again as a deep old voice that dripped with wisdom slowly said, “anyone who rescues that man in the pit will get a punishment that will shock even the king’s torturers. “ The people pondered his words thoughtfully, but suddenly a high voice rang throughout the people.
“I will rescue him!”
A young boy, trying to prove his manhood strode up and produced a long rope. He swung it down into the pit and called to the now horribly swollen, bitten man, “Grab hold of the rope, sir.”
The murderer got the rest of his energy together and grabbed onto the rope, but the second the foolish boy summoned his strength to pull the killer up, the rope became both of their deaths. It started changing its shape becoming boiling lava, blazing fire, sharp nettles, and lastly electricity shocks that burned the skin to a crisp. It took less than a minute for both human beings to be unrecognizable in their piles of ashes. One in the pit, one outside of it.
The old man shook his head as the crowd subsided to go mourn their princesses’ death. If only the boy had listened to the man’s words. He had been so caught up in getting some glory and fame that he had forgotten all of the wise advice he had received growing up and had wasted it all in one stupid decision.
Three weeks ago, I participated in a Youth Theater Summer Program. It lasted for two weeks and was held every day for eight hours. Very intense. ;) Anyways, during those days the cast of 11 worked with a professional vocal teacher, tech dude, actor, and dance choreographer. I was able to learn a lot about musical theater and work on certain techniques for my own acting and singing. At the end of the program we put on School House Rock! Live! Jr. It's based of the PBS show that helps kids learn their numbers and other important school related stuff. At first I was a little skeptical, because singing school songs didn't sound really that much fun. But, actually the songs and the script were just so cute and fun and the songs are very very addictive. ;) Also, we got a lot of kids come to our performances and they just loved it and for me that's what makes performing amazing for me. The thrill of telling the audience a story and having them react in certain ways to your different actions and words.
I would post one of the songs here, but so far I can only find the really old versions of them. There are newer more improved songs that we used, so when I find some I will post them here.