Sunday, August 10, 2008

School House Rock! Live! Jr.

Three weeks ago, I participated in a Youth Theater Summer Program. It lasted for two weeks and was held every day for eight hours. Very intense. ;) Anyways, during those days the cast of 11 worked with a professional vocal teacher, tech dude, actor, and dance choreographer. I was able to learn a lot about musical theater and work on certain techniques for my own acting and singing. At the end of the program we put on School House Rock! Live! Jr. It's based of the PBS show that helps kids learn their numbers and other important school related stuff. At first I was a little skeptical, because singing school songs didn't sound really that much fun. But, actually the songs and the script were just so cute and fun and the songs are very very addictive. ;) Also, we got a lot of kids come to our performances and they just loved it and for me that's what makes performing amazing for me. The thrill of telling the audience a story and having them react in certain ways to your different actions and words.

I would post one of the songs here, but so far I can only find the really old versions of them. There are newer more improved songs that we used, so when I find some I will post them here.


Holly said...

Ooh! You know, I sang one of their songs - "Tyrannosaurus Debt," I believe is the title - for a group project in senior government class. Still laughing that we got credit for that.

Erin said...

Go Traci! Wish I coulda seen you perform.

Sherry said...

Do you have any photos of you and your fellow actors in costume? My sister took Brady and Erin to Schoolhouse Rock when we visited her in Wisconsin. They were way too young to understand what the songs were saying, but still had fun watching the performance.

Emily Ruth said...

you did such an amazing job in that trace :)
and you sang beauuuutifully!

Edge said...

I had a bunch of School House Rock! CDs when I was in grade school - I still remember some of the songs (Conjunction Junction...) Sad, I know :-)

Hannah said...


Polka Dotted Pickles said...

School House Rock is the bomb. Nice... :)