*sniffles* Well, the Broncos played Friday night from 9(pm) to 1(am). Yes, I stayed up for the WHOLE thing. My dad and I were able to go down to the exercise room since it was a nationally televised game. It was very fun watching the game, but the sad thing was, they lost. 39-27. I have to admit that the Warriors were a very good team. I think that if some of our best players hadn't been injured the score might be different, but one can only guess. I was very sad afterwards. It's not often that the Broncos lose. Then it hit me. Wow, I am really blessed. Lots of people have teams that they are dedicated too that are just....well...bad. It's amazing how many games the Broncos have won. In the last 8 years we have won 96 games and lost 18. This is the most wins in college football ever. So with that said, even though I am still sad, it's Hawaii's chance to shine right now and I wish them the best of luck. But, we'll see you next year Warriors and you better watch your back!

After this game Dad and I were talking about Boise’s bowl chances. He realized that they would probably be playing in the Humanitarian bowl. This is actually the bowl game hosted in Boise. *smiles* So, now the question was who was going to be their opponent.
Me: So, who is Boise going to play on the blue?
Dad: Whoever wins the North Carolina State verses Maryland game tomorrow.
*dramatic pause*
Me: WAIT!! Isn't that the game I'm going to tomorrow?
Yes indeedy, I actually got invited to the game that would decide Boise’s opponent. How crazy is that?
North Carolina State vs. Maryland

Love you all!