Sunday, August 26, 2007

Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers
By S.A. Harazin

Clay has known Joey just about all his life. When they were young they spit into a coke bottle making themselves official blood brothers because they considered saliva on a par with blood. One night when Clay was visiting Joey he found his friend out of control and obviously drunk or on drugs, this was not like him at all! Now Joey was in the hospital fighting for his life. Clay, having been blamed for Joey’s condition must prove his innocence, keep his job at the hospital, and recount painful memories to find out who ruined his best friend’s life, perhaps permanently.

Blood Brothers is a novel about the painful and gruesome facts and stories of teenage drug and alcohol abuse. This book broadened my view of this tragic and widespread problem. My heart aches for any person struggling with substance abuse. Also, many people don’t consider the pain of parents and friends watching their loved one destroy their lives. Unfortunately, this book has offensive language, graphic detail of surgical procedures, and sexual references. This wasn’t a warm, fuzzy, feel-good novel nevertheless I respect the author’s realistic presentation of the grim circumstances surrounding illicit drug use. This story will probable stick with me for the rest of my life.

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Erin said...

Sounds interesting. I think I'll pass, though. :)

Polka Dotted Pickles said...

Sounds like an interesting book. Maybe I'll check it out when school gets out. :)

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